Riwaj-i- Abpashi
Codification of Customary Practices of Kuhl Irrigation
Kangra, Himachal Pradesh

Riwaj-i- Abpashi is a unique text and documentation and encyclopaedic in nature that contains detailed information of orally transmitted knowledge regarding local irrigation practices and customs primarily around Kuhls irrigation systems.

The Kuhls of Kangra- The Kuhl systems of Kangra are centuries old community managed traditional irrigation system. It is a network of gravity fed irrigation systems that diverts water from perennial sources of water such as rivers and springs through small hamlets into the fields and provides water for irrigation, livestock and household use.

The first codification of customary practices was undertook by Britishers in 1850 and it was revised in 1915. The codification included origin of Kuhls , methods of construction , inter village rights and responsibilities, water sharing practices

Kohli’s are current custodians of Kuhls irrigation systems. They manage annual maintenance of kuhls with community participation , resolve water conflicts over water and refers to Riwaj-i-abpashi or oral histories to ensure appropriate allocation of water.

Kohli’s manage regular attendance of people coming for participation of the Kuhls. There is meticulous documentation of people participation to avoid any conflicts over water sharing

The custodians of Riwaj-i-abpashi at the panchayat are Patwari who are the local land revenue officers.

For centuries, Kuhl irrigation systems have been acting as lifelines of agrarian economy in districts of Kangra. In spite of various interventions in the Kuhls. Riwaj-i Abpashi and community ownership of Kuhls have demonstrated resilience of the age-old system.
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