Water Varta
Water Varta was a Multimedia exhibition designed by Living Waters Museum in collaboration with with the Vishalla Restaurant and the Vechaar Museum of Utensils, Ahmedabad. The exhibition seeks to explore and celebrate our tangible and intangible heritage around water, food and cultural practices. Exhibition holds amazing collection of water-related utensils alive through pictures, stories and water facts. Animations, Interactive games, old vessels and their roles, short film produced on Surendra Bhai Patel, founder of iconic city landmarks Vishalla and Vechaar.
Ahmedabad, Gujarat

A short film on the history of the water utensils collections through the eyes of “Surendra Bhai Patel“, its main architect.
Water Varta Exhibition Panels

Designed by Swarnika Nimje, exhibition design student at National Insitute of Design and intern at Living Waters Museum.

What is Virtual Water?
Everything we use, wear, buy, sell and eat takes water to make. The water footprint measures the amount of water used to produce each of the goods and services we use. It can be measured for a single process, such as growing rice, for a product, such as a pair of jeans, for the fuel we put in our car, or for an entire multi-national company. The water footprint can also tell us how much water is being consumed by a particular country – or globally – in a specific river basin or from an aquifer.
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